Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

Well, here we go again.  I love a new start. Being a teacher means you get two New Years but I am looking forwards to this one most. This year has been an incredibly hard one so using this as an excuse to start again is a blessing.

This past year has been terribly painful so this year I hope to close some doors and start new more pleasant things. I know that some people believe the new year means change in itself but I am very aware that I need to make the change if I want things to happen.

These are not resolutions (I feel that I just break resolutions) but just thoughts about the new year.

1) I have moved to a beautiful part of the world. I want to get outside more and enjoy the beauty.
2) Talking of moving, I used to live with someone who took zero pride in his surroundings and I want to be the complete opposite of this in my new place. I am saving for pretty things and want to make this place a wonderful place for my new start.
3) Last year was very much about looking back (and not always in a good way) so this year will be about living in the present and celebrating the happy moments.
4) It is safe to say, I let myself go a bit this past year. Obviously, I know that looking good isn't the key to happiness but I want to feel good and looking good is a part of this (for me). I want to eat better, keep up with the fitness, get a better skin regime and learn to do my makeup better.

If you are reading this, I wish you every blessing for the new year. I hope that in a year's time you will look back on it and smile at the good bits and marvel at how well you dealt with the not so good bits.

Happy New Year!

Rural Life in Town