Wednesday 12 September 2012

5 things that have made me smile this week #4

I have a had a busy busy week, but there have been so many brilliant things!

1) My Mum being inducted into ministry in a church that was my family during my childhood. 
2) Hubby launching a missional community at church. He is a real blessing to the local community as well as me. 
3) Fajitas and sour cream. Yum!
4) Finally getting a new shed door! Sounds odd, I know. But our shed door was on the verge of disintegration! 
5) Really getting back into teaching. Its been super to get back into the swing of things and get into more of a routine. We have had lots of exciting things to do already this term and there is so much more to come. 

A pretty inspirational week! I'm looking forward to what comes next!

I want...

Here are a few things I would really really like. Some are more frivolous than others!

I want...

  • my garden to be a place I like going
  • to have more time to laugh with my hubby
  • to crack D7 on the ukulele
  • to find a foundation that lasts the whole working day
  • for people in power to use that power to help others
  • for people to treat each other with respect
  • for my favourite shoes to stop hurting my feet
  • for strawberries to still be in season
This has been a interesting post to write. I would definitely recommend it!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

5 things that have made me smile this week #3

This week has been a bit different from my previous weeks of blogging as I have gone back to work. Here are some of the things that have made me smile:

1) The weather getting colder. I'm not one for hot weather. Never have been. This is the time of year when I get my slippers out and put on my hoodies in the evening. Lovely and snuggly!

2) Seeing friends and colleagues again. Although I have seen a few people over the summer holidays, it is lovely to catch up with people after the break. 

3) Learning new names and getting to know new personalities. A new class means new names to learn and lots of little people to get to know. 

4) Getting excited about the future. We had an inspirational Professional Development day all about where we want to take our school. So exciting!

5) Cracking television dramas. There are so many on the TV at the moment! I'm hooked! 

I hope lots of things are making you smile!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Teaching Organisation Tip

My love of organisation has caused me to write this post. As school begins in a few days I have been sorting a lot of stuff out. I thought I would share how I organise my ‘everyday’ folder for work.

The first thing in my folder is my timetable. I often scribble my timetable because of the many changes on a weekly bases.

Behind this I keep class lists. I keep one of all the children in the year group and a further two for my own class; one with tick boxes and another with space to write next to names. I find I often need a class list for some reason or another; ticking off trip money, observations etc. I keep multiple copies just in case!

The next section is devoted to assessment. Now, as this is just a folder that is an everyday folder, it does not contain all my assessment. Currently it just holds the data from the end of the previous year. It is useful to have it easily accessible, particularly at the start of the year when you are still getting to know the children.

The next section holds my groups. I change these around quite often so it’s useful for my brain to keep them to hand. I also try to keep a record of the stage of reading book the children are on in this section too.

The next session holds my long term plans. These help me to see clearly what topics I will be teaching and help get the creative juices flowing.

The next section holds my marking stickers. These are a relatively new addition to my school but they are brilliant. There bright and child friendly but have useful information for assessment. E.g. ‘I assessed this learning by myself’ and ‘Verbal feedback given by a teacher’.

The next section is a classroom plan. When I have got my new class settled into table places I write names and additional needs on a classroom plan. This can be useful for people who come into your classroom but don’t know your children.

I do not keep planning in my folder. I keep the weeks plans in my room where both me and the classroom assistant can scribble all over them. I then file them in another folder at the end of the week. I don’t find I need to take plans home as I generally make tweaks to my Smartboard pages if I think of changes at home. Other changes usually get decided after the previous lesson due to Assessment for Learning.

This folder is not jam packed with lots of stuff but useful stuff I need at a glance. I love technology and have it all on computer and memory stick, but some things just need to be ‘real’!